3 Hand Plane Plans

Plans with precise instructions to build 3 homemade hand planes, perfect for DIY and woodworking workshops.

Easy to build design, by gluing pieces of plywood together. Very convenient and accurate.

I have recycled an old disc to make the blade, but it can be used with a professional blade.

The plans include three planes of different sizes.

More details

5,00 €

Once the payment has been made, you will receive an email with a link to download a Zip file which includes the plans of the homemade hand planes.

If, for some reason, you don't receive this email, you can also download the plans from this site by logging into your user account. Check out the section "How do I download my plans" of the FAQ. Let me know if you have any problem with the plans.

All the plans available on this website are in metric, but you can easily convert them into imperial. In this article you'll find instructions and every conversion method available.

There are no refunds on downloaded digital plans. Before buying, you can download some of the free plans available on this website. Downloading one of these is an excellent way to get a better idea of what they’re like.

DIY Hand Plane Plans:

Included with the 3 DIY hand plane plans:

  • Instructions in English and Spanish.
  • Scaled printable plans of many parts in PDF and JPEG, A4 format.
  • Full-scale printable PDF templates, A3 or A4 format, to glue it onto the board and so that we can cut and drill in a precise way.
  • Exploded views of all parts and cutting list of the homemade Hand Plane Plans.
  • A 3D SketchUp model featuring various scenes that will allow you to view and understand the model better, make modifications in the design or check measurements. SketchUp is an indispensible CAD tool for makers, and it's free.
  • 3D Autocad model.
  • Dxf files for CAM programs.

The plans are a 10 megabyte Zip file (any computer, Mac or PC, should be able to open Zip files)

Take your time to understand the plans and how the tool works.


Big:          450x78x150 mm 
Medium:   350x78x150 mm 
Small:      250x66x150 mm

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