KD Lee's Lathe

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KD Lee's Lathe

Post by Suso » Thu Aug 24, 2017 3:20 pm

DIY lathe by KD Lee, he wrote:
I would like to take this opportunity to thanking you for sharing such a useful video to me and everyone else. Before this, I have spent many hours manually just to carve a single handle using chisels and rasps. I just would like to share some of the beautiful products which mainly for my own use in the house.




Tailstock: Original design has a pointy end and rough surface. It creates friction and eventually noise during wood turning. Extreme case will cause wood burn mark on the work piece. It also naturally act as an drill bit. I often put lubricant to reduce the effect and somehow it is working much better now.


I designed and made a live center for it but maybe I did glued on the ball bearing that it has rooms to wobble thus causing a slight moving effect. Maybe I need to redesign it to make it more stable but over all, it reduces the friction, noise and the drilling effect. It turns smoothly together with the workpiece.



Tool rest: The original design was a bit wobbly when I moved my tools towards both end. It could be that I was using a 12mm rod. It caused a lot of chatter and eventually giving uneven surface results.
Since the lathe is meant for making handles and knobs with almost similar size, I hardly change the height of the tool rest. Therefore, I decided to make a fixed height tool rest with a steel pipe on top. This provides more stability and easy gliding maneuver during wood turning.



Center spur: Your design that caused slicing and eventually slipped because the edges are sharp, I further modified it that it becomes a truly gripping mechanism without any slicing effect.



Additionally, I made another jig to hold the workpiece to facilitate hole drilling. Since I do not have any drill press, this is a better way to ensure the hole is drilled close to center.


This is my old chisel set which I did not like the plastic look and I have made wooden handles for them and a box too.



Knobs for my router plane...

Posts: 2250
Joined: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:51 pm

KD Lee's Lathe

Post by Suso » Thu Aug 24, 2017 3:52 pm

Marking knive:



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